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We the staff at Ben Hill Preschool are thrilled to have each smiling, energetic little one with us each day. Each day comes with a challenge, but a challenge that we are willing to face on a daily basis. This year in particular will be a challenge within itself as we move forward with the pandemic.  Each child is special to us in their very own way and we want them to be as safe as possible, while learning within the "new norm". We reach out to them at their level and within their social realm. In doing so, our intentions are to show advancement with each individual child. Parent help is encouraged and appreciated, as a child’s education begins at home. Parents should ask any staff member if assistance is needed as they work with their children at home.  We urge parents to work on hands on and/or virtual assignments at home provided through this website or from your child's teacher.    

Moreover, student minds will be steadily under construction at Ben Hill Preschool this year!! We excitedly welcome each face to our setting! Minds will be working, working, working, while having lots and lots of fun!!! Parents we ask you to support us in assuring that your children are reminded of proper behavior daily and reminded of skills taught each day. Ask your child what they have learned at school each day. Our students’ brains cannot progress and grow without you. Teachers and teacher assistants work tirelessly each day to assure that they reach each child at their cognitive and/or social level. Parents will take part in this as well. Parents should work with students on writing their name, reading with or to children nightly, reinforcing daily skills taught at school, and communicating with children about what went on at school each day. This may sound like a lot, but can be a part of your daily routine while riding in the car, eating dinner, or preparing for bed. Enhancing student achievement to prepare them for Kindergarten is our goal.

We are the B.E.S.T.T. and want to make sure your children are their BESTT person possible!